Exciting times- I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by two ladies,
Naomi from
'Flightless Bird' http://naomimatthews.blogspot.co.nz and also
Em from
'Flowers and Freckless' http://flowersandfreckless.blogspot.co.nz . Thank you muchly for nominating me, wasn't really expecting anyone to be reading any of my posts just yet as I've only recently started, so YAY :)
I'm going to answer both sets of questions, and my nominees will be at the bottom of this post along with my 11 questions- so let the fun times begin!
Questions from Naomi:
1. Liquid or gel eyeliner?
2. Dresses or playsuits?
Dresses, but I'm starting to explore playsuits- what an exciting life I lead oh-ah
3. Uggs or Converse?
4. Favorite perfume?
YSL Parisienne
5. Your No.1 go to everyday beauty product?
Maybelline The Falsies Black Drama Mascara, because the eyes are the windows to the soul...haha
6. Brushes or no brushes?
Defs brushes- Real Techniques, thank goodness for Samantha Chapman!
7. Bottle fake tan or on store fake tan?
No fake tan, just au natural tan in summer :)
8. If you could have any hair colour other than your current one, what would it be?
Baby pink or lavender, but if I was to be boring probably blonde, just to see what I would look like with a full head of golden locks.
9. Lip gloss or lipstick?
Lipstick- pink
10. Summer or winter?
Winter, oohhh sooo cosy!
11. Favorite blog post to read? (eg: haul, review, etc.)
Beauty reviews- so handy! and Fashion posts
Questions from Em:
1. Dolly shoes or trainers (converse or vans, etc.)?
Trainers- currently living up in my Nike Blazers
2. Favorite perfume?
YSL Parisienne
3. Bold lip or neutral?
Neutral- but pink :)
4. Full coverage or light?
Full, gurl need to the coverage!
5. High end or drugstore?
Honestly can't choose, it really is half and half with me
6. Oversized or fitted?
7. 'Go-to' makeup product?
Maybelline The Falsies Black Drama Mascara
8. Summer or winter?
9. Something you can't live without?
Light- I'm petrified of the dark, always have been. I would die without it.
10. Favorite Starbucks drink?
White Chocolate Mocha
11. What inspires you?
Audrey Hepburn- such a beaut, random people I see when out and about, and of course Bloggers :)
My Nominees:
Harriet: http://byooteeblog.blogspot.co.nz
Bryany: http://bryanyellen.blogspot.co.nz
Sierra: http://stylishlysierra.blogspot.co.nz
Victoria: http://thefashionable-life.blogspot.co.nz
Jessica: http://enquirewithelle.blogspot.com.au
Maja: http://wildfoxshirts-and-cottoncandy.blogspot.co.nz
Lonneke: http://ocean-hearts.blogspot.co.nz
Katharina: http://girls-world-in-time.blogspot.de
Marion: http://24hoursoffashion.blogspot.co.nz
Taylor: http://whattaylorbuys.blogspot.co.nz
Sej: http://whatwouldgracekellysay.blogspot.nz
My Questions:
1. Favorite blog?
2. Topshop or ASOS?
3. Dramatic lips or eyes?
4. MAC or Maybelline?
5. Favorite nail polish?
6. Online or in-store shopping?
7. Gossip Girl or Pretty Little Liars?
8. Collared shirt or t-shirt?
9. AA Disco pants or jeans?
10. Place you want to travel to/visit?
11. One thing you want to achieve by the end of the year?
And there it is, the Liebster done and dusted!
Thanks again to Naomi and Em for nominating me, and good luck to everyone else who was nominated :)
Lu x